This F45 Truss is based on the F44P 400mm x 400mm truss design and is used for applications such as LED screens where balanced centre rigging of the screen panels on the truss is essential. A central chord with ladder-style horizontal bracing on the bottom face of the truss allows LED panels to be clamped directly onto the centre chord. This negates the need to sling or brace across the two bottom chords to provide a central rigging points as would normally be necessary on a square format truss. Furthermore, the ladder-style horizontal braces creates more and more clear hanging space along the chord compared to the outside chords. Because it is based on the F44P Truss design, F45 Truss can connect to all standard F44P junctions or sleeve blocks so you use your existing F44P Truss to build the rest of the structure! Future development of truss accessories will mean that use of F45 Truss will not be limited to LED screen hanging applications.